Process Characterization

Process characterization is a methodical analysis to understand the diverse operational processes that influence the lifecycle of materials.


Termination represents the process by which waste reaches the end of its lifecycle. It is the moment when waste ceases to be defined as such through effective waste management strategies. Two distinct groups of strategies can be defined:

The permanent mitigation waste’s risks below an accepted level.The reinsertion of waste or its outputs back into the market.

However, the mechanisms to achieve termination can vary, requiring a system for proper categorization and tagging.

The termination taxonomy is a hierarchical structure to identify termination strategies according to their characteristics and categorize them in levels of increasing specificity.

The taxonomy presents the following key features:

  • Each termination is a specific extension of its parent.
  • Levels range from generic categories at the top to specific categories at the bottom.
  • Terminations within each level are comprehensive and non-overlapping.
  • When uncertain, the more generic category applies.

The following considerations apply:

  • Extension & Waste Management. While prevention strategies in the field of extension (not design) can be applied within the internal system before waste is generated, they can also be performed as waste management services for already generated waste. This kind of dynamic, however, applies exclusively to waste that has already been generated.
  • Unspecified Recovery. Recovered resources include functional products or components, materials, nutrients and energy. When commercialization is traceable but not its subsequent transformations, a simple “recovery” tag should be applied.
  • Resource Efficiency vs Added Value. Efficiency is measured by the reuse potential of recovered resources, not by the amount of value added. Vertical processes where multiple layers of value addition happen do not affect the material efficiency of the recovery.
  • Internal Resource Consumption. For vertically integrated businesses that take part in processes ranging from waste recovery to product manufacturing, the insertion of recovered resources is evidenced by the commercialization of its final outputs.
  • Material Efficiency Vs Energetic Efficiency. Recovered materials are easy to quantify as the information contained on financial documents or product specs explicitly states it. Conversely, energy efficiency has no direct relation to the amount of materials involved. To address this, an optional efficiency factor can be used to describe such processes.


The biome taxonomy is a systematic categorization of various natural and human environments. This classification is critical for assessing the impacts of waste leakage, evaluating the effectiveness of remediation efforts, and understanding their ecological implications.

The biome taxonomy is a hierarchical structure to categorize biomes in levels of increasing specificity.

Understanding the specific biome where waste events happen allows for tailored strategies that respect and preserve the unique characteristics of each environment. Different biomes require varied remediation approaches. The taxonomy aids in identifying the most effective methods for each environment. The taxonomy presents the following key features:

  • Each biome is a specific extension of its parent.
  • Levels range from generic categories at the top to specific categories at the bottom.
  • Biomes within each level are comprehensive and non-overlapping.
  • When uncertain, the more generic category applies.

Global Location System

The Global Location System (GLS) is an integral part of the framework, designed to provide a hierarchical and standardized structure to locate geographical bodies.

The Global Location System is a taxonomic hierarchy that divides the world in territories of increasing specificity.

This system is pivotal for categorizing and analyzing waste events with geographic precision, enhancing the accuracy and relevance of data across different regions. It aligns with global and local administrative structures, ensuring consistency in data collection and reporting.

  • Hierarchical Framework. The system divides the world into territories of increasing specificity, from global to tertiary administrative levels.
  • Geo-Tagging for Precision. Each waste event should be tagged with the most precise applicable geo-tag to facilitate high-resolution analysis.
  • Variability in Levels. Some levels may not be uniformly available across all countries due to differences in administrative organization.
1GlobalEncompasses all geographical areas globally.
2ContinentalDefined by large areas sharing common characteristics or features.
3SubcontinentalSmaller areas distinguished by cultural, historical, or geographical aspects.
4NationalSovereign political entities or external territories.
5SubnationalMajor regional divisions within a country or territory.
6Primary AdministrativeThe first level of administrative division within a country.
7Secondary AdministrativeThe second level of administrative division within a country.
8Tertiary AdministrativeThe third level of administrative division within a country.


Timestamps emphasize the significance of timing of waste events. Accurate time-stamping of events is crucial for tracking the lifecycle of materials and assessing the synchronicity of responsibility incurrence and the provision of applicable services for its fulfillment.

Timestamps evaluate the timeliness of waste events.

  • Event Tagging. Each event, whether it's material flows or accountability events like generation, termination, leakage, or capture, should be time stamped for accurate record-keeping.
  • Historical Data. The accumulation of timestamped data over time provides a historical perspective, aiding in long-term planning and policy development.
  • Regulatory Compliance. Timestamps are critical for compliance with regulatory requirements and standards, ensuring accountability and transparency.