Verification Mechanisms
Verification mechanisms are the tools to provide the required and desired proofs of waste events. By categorizing these mechanisms into distinct types, each targeting specific areas of validation, it's possible to create a comprehensive system that stakeholders can trust.
Verification Types
Verification mechanisms are designed to validate various types of information across various domains. Here's a breakdown of the key verification mechanisms tailored to different categories of data:
Mechanism | Target Validation |
Financial | Money flows and value perceptions from individual transactions and broader market perspectives. |
Commercial | Commercial relationships, agreements, and contractual obligations between entities. |
Compliance | Credentials, certifications, and adherence to regulations mandated by authoritative bodies or industry standards. |
Operational | Physical handling and manipulation of materials within operational processes. |
Technical | Studies or assessments of the specific properties of materials or contexts. |
Supporting Documents
Supporting documents are critical for validating waste processes and ensuring that all aspects are thoroughly documented and verifiable. Transactional documents are issued on events and specific moments, while non-transactional documents are not dependent on individual occurrences. This guide provides detailed definitions and applicability for each document type, categorized by their verification domain:
File Type | Definition | Transactional | Domain |
Audio | Audio evidence of specific moments. | YES/NO | OPERATIONAL |
Bill Of Lading | A document issued by a carrier to acknowledge receipt of cargo for shipment. | YES | OPERATIONAL |
Incident Report | Documentation of any accidents, including responses and outcomes. | YES | OPERATIONAL |
Maintenance Record | Logs of equipment or facility maintenance. | YES | OPERATIONAL |
Picture | Photographic evidence of specific moments. | YES/NO | OPERATIONAL |
Scale Ticket | A document issued to record the weight of materials. | YES | OPERATIONAL |
Training Record | A document confirming employee training on specific topics. | YES | OPERATIONAL |
Transfer Notes | Documentation that accompanies the transfer of materials from one party to another. | YES | OPERATIONAL |
Transport Manifest | A detailed list of materials being transported, including logistics and their nature. | YES | OPERATIONAL |
Work Order | An official directive for specific field tasks or processes. | YES | OPERATIONAL |
Work Receipt | A document acknowledging the completion of a specified task. | YES | OPERATIONAL |
Video | Video evidence of specific moments. | YES/NO | OPERATIONAL |
Credit Note | A document issued by a seller to a buyer, crediting the buyer's account with the seller. | YES | FINANCIAL |
Debit Note | A document issued by a buyer to a seller, crediting the sellers’ account with the buyer. | YES | FINANCIAL |
Invoice | A financial document detailing the price of services or goods to be paid. | YES | FINANCIAL |
Payment Bill | A document requesting a payment to be performed. | YES | FINANCIAL |
Payment Receipt | A document confirming a payment, serving as proof of financial transaction. | YES | FINANCIAL |
Commercial Agreement | A formal agreement between different parties, outlining terms and conditions. | NO | COMMERCIAL |
Letter of Intent (LOI) | A non-binding preliminary agreement on the terms of a deal before the actual contract is finalized. | NO | COMMERCIAL |
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) | A formal agreement between different parties indicating an intended common line of action. | NO | COMMERCIAL |
Purchase Order | A document used to direct commercial purchases. | YES | COMMERCIAL |
Quote | A document used to communicate the price of goods or services. | YES | COMMERCIAL |
Sales Order | A document used to direct commercial sales. | YES | COMMERCIAL |
Audit Report | Documents demonstrating the results of an audit performed to an entity | YES | COMPLIANCE |
Compliance Report | Reports submitted to regulatory bodies to demonstrate adherence to environmental, safety, and industry regulations. | YES | COMPLIANCE |
Certification | Approval of adherence to specific standards. | NO | COMPLIANCE |
Risk Assessment Report (RIR) | Risk identification studies detailing the potential impacts and harm. | NO | COMPLIANCE |
Permit | Legal permission to perform certain operations. | NO | COMPLIANCE |
End-Of-Life Certificate | A certificate indicating that a specific lot of waste materials has reached the end of its lifecycle. | YES | COMPLIANCE |
Safety Data Sheet (SDS) | Information on the hazardous properties of material streams and substances. | NO | TECHNICAL |
Technical Data Sheet (TDS) | Information on specific material stream properties. | NO | TECHNICAL |
Document Validation Layers
Each document, apart from its name, format and other details, may include additional information on its involved entities, in the form of signatures or issuance, providing more information to increase its credibility:
- Issuance. Validation by the entity that generated it, providing authenticity.
- Signature. Validation indicating consent or approval by the signing party.
The types of entities that can validate by issuance or signature a document are the following:
Validation Layer | Definition | Example |
Internal | Validation within the same organization, ensuring in-house verification. | An internal work order issued and used within the organization |
External | Validation by an external independent organization, offering third-party verification. | Certification of a product’s quality by an independent testing laboratory |
Regulatory | Validation by a regulatory body, providing an official level of authentication and compliance. | A waste management company receiving approval from the regulator to handle hazardous waste |